Monday 23 February 2009

Many things to be celebrate this month

There are so many things to be excited about this comming month! So this is part one of many things.... First and probably most importantly i am currently totally free of Antidepressants for the first time in 9 years! I have so many things to be proud of but i do believe this is one of my greatest accomplishements! So to celebrate my victory and our 17th wedding anneversary Dean and i are going for a Spa week-end away. I will be massaged and have mud spread all over my body while i sit in a steam room and stew! Dean is a great big scardy cat and will only go in da swimming pool! lol
I CAN NOT WAIT!! It's all booked now and the fun starts on friday the 13th of march .... two whole days of swimming, relaxing and being pampered.... aaah bliss... Click here if you want to see where i am going lol

Tuesday 10 February 2009

17 years ago we stood in front of a court appointed official and a minister and despite

All the family problems with us we managed to pledge our lives to each

Other. I don’t think at the time that I had any idea how very much I

would love you. In 17 years I have managed to fall more and more deeply

In love with the wonderful man who I was lucky enough to marry.

It takes a special type of bond to feel the way I do about you.

When you came into my life you gave me love and joy beyond what I thought

was possible. You found a way to heal my wounded heart and make me

Feel loved again. Through all the ups and down in life no matter how hard things

Got you always managed to find a way to be there for me and above all to make me

Laugh :-)

I am thankful for the many times we have spent doing nothing at all. They are

Always special because I am with you!

There are so many things that I appreciate about you and often neglect in mentioning.

So on our 17th wedding anniversary I want to tell you that you are

Thoughtful, caring, but above all else you are my best friend!

Thank you for each beautiful year I can’t wait to see what the next 17 has in store

For us….

I love you my love

After watching a couple of video's by a man named Jon Kabat-Zinn i decided it might be a good idea to give it a try, especially seeing as it has always interested me and is something i have often wanted to learn.
I find it opening a whole new world to me, and i have decided to try to live my life for the future and put away the things of my past.
Has it worked? I think its to early to tell, but one thing i can say for sure is that i feel lighter somehow, more in touch with the inner Nessie... Now i know this sounds cooky but hey that is how i feel. I can say though that the breathing technique alone has helped me to calm down in a lot of very stressful situatons. If any of you are interested i have found a web site that teaches you to meditate and gives you a guided meditation e-book for free here
I have much hope for this new thing called mindfull meditation, and i can be sure that already it is teaching me the power of possitive thought and the impact it can have on one's peace of mind and our health.
In the search to learn more about meditation and figure out if it is the right thing for me i have found the following video quite useful... it may seem long winded but i think it gives a very broad idea of what meditation is and what it can do for you... link here